
1. Parr Instrument Autoclaves (2-L size)

facilities 1


2. Glass Leaching Reactors (6 reactors)

facilities 2


3.  Agilent Technologies Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (MP-AES 4200) multi-element analyzer.



4.  Two Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Machines

facilities 3


5. 930 Compact Ion Chromatography Flex with Conductivity and UV/VIS detectors


6. Autolab Potentiostat/Galvanostat PGSTAT101 with NOVA software, Faraday cage and RDE accessories. Soon we will add another state-of-the-art potentiostat to the laboratory.



7. Autolab Potentiostat/Galvanostat PGSTAT101 with NOVA software, Faraday cage and RDE accessories.

facilities 4


8. 916 Ti-Touch Titrator with silver electrode for Free Cyanide titration.

facilities 5


9. STA 449 F3 Jupiter – Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer TGA DSC from Netzsch

facilities 6


10. Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis

facilities 7


11. ELTRA CS2000 Carbon and Sulfur Determinator

facilities 8


12. OXFORD Instruments X-Supreme X-ray fluorescence (XRF) machine

facilities 9


13. In-house Fire assay setup

facilities 10


14. Laser particle size analyzer


15. Bottle roll test set up for cyanidation


16. Several pH, ORP, DO and ion analyzers and controllers


In addition to the above facilities and equipment, we also have access to:

  • Analytical Services Unit for Variety of analysis methods including: ICP-MS, ICP-OES, F-AAS, HG-AAS, GC-MS, DMA Mercury, Ion Chromatography, IR UV/Vis etc.
  • In house access to sample preparation (crush, grind, separation and flotation) – we are part of a Mining Department!
  • Access to variety of high temperature furnaces and kilns in Professor Chris Pickles‘s Pyrometallurgy Laboratory.
  • Access to flotations cells in Professor Sadan Kelebek Flotation Laboratory.